Monthly Archives: January 2013

EKG & Labs: Check!

I had my lab work and EKG done this morning. It was totally painless! I was in and out so very quickly. Thank God for that because I am so restless in waiting rooms. And I didn’t have my iPad. And my cell phone didn’t pick up At&t service in the Kaiser building. So yeah. But anyway the lab was quick, just a little hiccup with finding me in the system due to two letters in my last name being transposed. No biggie – it was straightened out fairly quickly. And the EKG was over in less than 60 seconds once the electrode thingies were attached and I stopped tightening up my muscles lol. :-) 


Anyway, I meet with the doctor tomorrow to find out the results. I am interested to hear about my cholesterol levels and such. I’ve never had any health issues except for my migraines. Blood pressure, cholesterol, and all other things have always been great. 

On one hand I wish I was starting today but on the other, I’m glad I won’t be fasting on Valentine’s Day. 

One last observation that I have: last night, I finished dinner by about 7:15pm. I was instructed to fast for 12 hours for the tests I had this morning to be accurate. I only drank water after that time but at about 11:30pm, right before I went to bed, I walked into the kitchen, grabbed my shaker cup that I use for my protein shakes and without really thinking I filled it halfway with milk topped off with about 4 tablespoons of chocolate syrup. It was only while I was shaking the cup and trying to mix up the chocolate milk that I remembered that I was supposed to be fasting. I didn’t drink it and I am so glad I realized it before I drank it. But the whole thing was SO random! I haven’t prepared chocolate milk this way in several months plus I have no idea why I wanted it since I wasn’t hungry. 

I think it was pretty weird but hopefully I can straighten out such random impulses throughout the course of this program. 


I have my lab and EKG appointments for tomorrow morning at 7am. I’m looking forward to getting that done since I have to fast for 12 hours. It’s not really a BIG deal because I normally don’t eat from 7pm to 7am anyway but you know how it goes…once you can’t have something…. :-)

Anyway, I’m really excited about starting in 2 weeks, 17 hours and 10 minutes. But who’s counting? :-)

I have no idea what to expect when I get my EKG done. Never had one before. I just hope that I don’t wrinkle my clothes since I have a bunch of work meetings right after.

Next on the preparation list is my health assessment where I meet with the doctor on Thursday at 5pm so that should be interesting. I wonder if that is where they tell me how many calories I can have or what my metabolic rate is. I have been reading so much stuff about Optifast that I am quite prepared in some ways but completely not prepared at all in other ways. Once these two appointments are out of the way then its just a count down for me. Luckily I have Valentine’s Day preparations to distract me.

Have a great night y’all!


Getting ready for Optifast…

Today, I am writing to get in the blogging mode for my upcoming weight loss journey. I plan on blogging weekly, hopefully more often than that, when I begin the Optifast weight loss program offered through Kaiser officially on February 13th, 2013. You’re probably thinking “What? A day before Valentine’s Day?” Well not exactly. The 13th is the day that I meet the rest of the people embarking on the journey with me…. I will fondly call them my “Cohorts” since the thought of starting a weight loss program with a group of people reminds me of the group of people that I will be starting my MBA program with (whenever I decide on what date to start) which is also called a cohort.

Anyway, during this meeting I will sample all the products available for my meals and place an order which should be in by the next meeting on 2/20. This is when I will really start the fast and only consume the Optifast products which I believe are shakes, soups and bars.

I’m really excited. This week, I have to schedule my labs and EKG and then meet with the doctor for a health assessment on Thursday January 31st, 2013. I’m so excited! Not for the appointments but for the program to start. I’ve had many successes but when I dislocated my knee in a dance class last year, I gained a lot of weight back. This is my last time trying anything. I know it will work and I feel the success. I just can’t wait to start. 

Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing my journey with you. Whether you’re starting too, or if you just want to observe, I’m glad to have you!
