
I have my lab and EKG appointments for tomorrow morning at 7am. I’m looking forward to getting that done since I have to fast for 12 hours. It’s not really a BIG deal because I normally don’t eat from 7pm to 7am anyway but you know how it goes…once you can’t have something…. :-)

Anyway, I’m really excited about starting in 2 weeks, 17 hours and 10 minutes. But who’s counting? :-)

I have no idea what to expect when I get my EKG done. Never had one before. I just hope that I don’t wrinkle my clothes since I have a bunch of work meetings right after.

Next on the preparation list is my health assessment where I meet with the doctor on Thursday at 5pm so that should be interesting. I wonder if that is where they tell me how many calories I can have or what my metabolic rate is. I have been reading so much stuff about Optifast that I am quite prepared in some ways but completely not prepared at all in other ways. Once these two appointments are out of the way then its just a count down for me. Luckily I have Valentine’s Day preparations to distract me.

Have a great night y’all!


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