Days 8 & 9

Day 8

Felt good today. Everything went well. Deviated from my shake schedule just a little bit because I worked out at 6:30pm which is when I normally take my 5th shake. I ended up taking a Strawberry powder shake with me and mixed it up right after I got done with my Zumba class at 7:30. I took the last one at 10:15 and went to bed. I couldn’t stay up any later than that.

The Zumba class was alright. Not the most amazing and trust me, I’ve had AMAZING, but still it was probably for the best because I am just getting used to the shakes so the addition of physical activity, in my opinion, should be gradual and not exhausting. I also signed up for the 3 week adult tennis quick start program at the club. I took lessons for years and played a lot when I was a teenager but its been a while. I’m looking forward to the class and meeting new people who can hopefully potentially become my tennis buddies! :-)

Day 9

So far so good. I’m going to try to work out for a little while today. Nothing major. Probably treadmill or bike for maybe 30 minutes. Then my plan is to do a little something tomorrow morning as well. After that, I won’t be working out again until Tuesday evening when I start my tennis program. Just pacing myself and keeping it simple. This is a lifestyle change and I want it to stick.

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