Days 10 – 13

Oh my gosh, I have been so lazy this week and so disinterested in the whole program. I have been drinking my shakes and immersing myself in Netflix, and OnDemand to get past the blah stage and I think I am good to go now. These last few days have been kind of hard just because (1) it was a long weekend and the weekends are just harder for me, and (2) I probably haven’t been drinking enough water. To rectify the whole water thing, I plan on drinking at LEAST 64 ounces of water a day religiously. When I just say that I’ll TRY to do it, I don’t. But when I PROMISE to do it, I do. So, after my weigh-in tonight and for the next week I PROMISE to drink at LEAST 64 ounces of water a day and work out at LEAST 4 days a week. I will keep you posted on how it goes.

Other than that, the days were uneventful. So uneventful that they don’t even deserve their own individual posts :-). I have been measuring myself with my tape measure and I’ve lost a few inches so even if the weight loss isn’t that much, which I kinda expect, I will be perfectly fine.

Interesting fact – I went the whole 1st week consuming only Strawberry and Vanilla RTD shakes for the most part with a few Strawberry and Vanilla powder shakes for my workouts, emergencies, busy times, etc. This week, I added Chocolate RTD shakes to the mix and I liked them so much that yesterday I had to call the program to modify my order for this week. I changed 10 of the 12 Vanilla shakes that I had requested to Chocolate RTD shakes – that’s how much I like them! This week, in addition to Chocolate, Strawberry and a couple of Vanilla RTD’s I have also added 2 chicken soups and 4 bars. Let’s see how this goes!

I hope all is well with everyone in OptiLand. :-)

2 thoughts on “Days 10 – 13

  1. I can relate. I’ve been feeling pretty lazy this week, too. I only went to the gym once and it was only for 1/2 an hour. Of course,I had my excuses not to go but at the end of the day, they were just excuses. I’ve kind of given myself permission to go slow the first week or two until my body adjust to the Optifast, so don’t feel too bad about it. You are doing such a big thing by sticking to the program. When the regular exercise kicks in, you’ll be smooth sailing.
    And I haven’t been tracking my water very well, just guestimating.I’ve been feeling a bit tired and head-achy and I am sure this is why. After reading your commitment to your daily water, I’ve decided that I am going to start accurately tracking mine on myfitnesspal as I go along.

    Stay strong! You’ve got this!

    ~ Kim

    • I did the same thing – in the first 2 weeks I only worked out 2 times and they were weak workouts lol! But you need that time because you’re adjusting. I think anyone trying to go hardcore in week 1 is setting themselves up to the possibility of backsliding as a result of trying to do too much. I have been doing much better withg my water this week (as of the new “program week” that started on Wednesday evening after my meeting) and I think that though I am not where I need to be (64 – 96 ounces) I am doing well (32 – 64 ounces). Keep me posted on how you do! I’m sure you’ll do great! :-)

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