Monthly Archives: June 2013

Well, well, well…

Well this past week was great. I missed my last weigh-in though because I had to work late but I went in the next day and I was down 2.2 pounds. So I’m doing well being back on food. I am excited and looking forward to this upcoming week.

My workout plan for this week (I will back date to Monday and go from this past Monday to this Sunday – sorry) is:

Monday – None
Tuesday – None
Wednesday – BodyPump Class 60 minutes, Zumba 60 minutes
Thursday – Zumba 60 minutes
Friday – Zumba 60 minutes
Saturday – BodyPump Class 60 minutes, UJam Class or Cardio Dance Class 60 minutes
Sunday – Zumba 60 minutes

I didn’t do any workouts this past Monday because it was the day after my birthday so I wanted to relax. Also, on Tuesday, same thing lol. Being a bum lmao!!!

But I did have a great week. I am eating super well – breakfast is typically a 2-egg scramble with tomatoes, spinach and a handful of ham. Snacks are shakes and/or bars. Lunch is a salad and dinner has been a shake but since we just went up to 3 weeks and starches I have been experimenting a little bit with other veggies and stuff.

Anyway, that’s my update for now. I hope to blog more now that I am more settled in my new place. I have a lot to unpack still but at least I’m all moved in…

Take care!


My Workout Schedule for this Week

Here’s my workout schedule. Since my favorite Zumba instructor at the Klubhouse is on vacation this week, it might be different from next week’s. :-)

Monday – 9PM Treadmill & Weights at the Racquet Club
Tuesday – 5PM Cardio Dance class
Wednesday – 5:30AM Cycle Class at the Racquet Club
Thursday – 9PM Treadmill & Weights at the Racquet Club
Friday – 5:30 AM Cycle Class at the Racquet Club AND/OR 6PM Zumba at the Klubhouse*
Saturday – 11AM Cardio Dance Class**
Sunday – 4PM Cardio Dance Class**

*I may only go to the Zumba class because Wednesday’s cycle class will be the first time I go to a cycle class and depending on whether I like it or not, I may or may not continue.

**Considering that this weekend is my birthday weekend (my birthday is June 16th yay!!!!) I may not workout at all this weekend – which depends on how good I do workout-wise all week AND whether or not I get my hair done on Friday or Saturday. :-)

I’m back!!!!

OMG – it’s almost been a month since I posted. I apologize to anyone who actually follows this thing… I guess its more of a disappointment to me for slacking on posting. It really helps with motivation and accountability. Anyways, I know I probably sound like a broken record but I will do my best to update my blog.

I have been super busy which is no excuse but I will provide updates here and then keep things moving.


  • My husband is still deployed but the bright side is we are almost at the 3 month mark which means halfway!!!!!
  • I’m still looking forward to starting our family when he gets back in October. Wait, I didn’t share that with you yet? Oh, well there you go! lol!
  • I have been packing up our 2 bedroom 1 office condo for our move into a studio (gasp!!!) loft downtown. Why you ask? Well, we decided that we wanted to make the most of our last year (God-willing) of not having little babies running around SO after weeks of discussions and pro/cons lists we decided to make the move for our next chapter in life. It will be a lifestyle change for sure! Everything is within walking distance (except the commissary which we will still do major shopping at) plus we will get to jog through the neighborhood, there are parks nearby with tennis courts (love tennis!!!!) and it’s just an all-around perfect location. We signed the lease at the end of May and most of our stuff was moved in yesterday. The rest of the things that weren’t moved will be put in storage.


  • I have lost a total of 53 pounds so far! YAY! I’ve updated my stats if anyone cares. :-)
  • I am back to eating food – one meal a day this week (150 cals of protein and 50 cals of veggies) plus 5 products (3 shakes and 2 bars)
  • I am getting a lot of positive comments. Two people this morning have been like “You’re so skinny! OMG!” lol!!!! It’s funny to me bc I’m not skinny per se but I’m so much smaller! It feels good to hear.

I am really in a great place. Looking great, feeling great, getting more comfortable being active and reintroducing food. I am thankful and feel blessed for getting this far on the program and I look forward to everything else that comes along! :-)

As far as blogging goes, I am not going to post my days anymore (day 100, day 101, etc) simply because it was just my way of keeping track of what day I was on and what I had accomplished – it put it in perspective for me. What I will try to do though is post more often, including a weekly post of my workouts for the week. I hope that can evolve into something else but for now I will jus limit the workout posts to what I anticipate doing. Putting it in writing helps me a lot! :-)

I hope everyone else is staying successful. If not, one day off is just one day – don’t make it two. Get right back up and start afresh tomorrow. :-)

OH before I forget – I have an update on my streaking. I sucked at it lol! I lasted 2 days and then I stopeed. The second day, after running outside for the first time, I got all redfaced, sneezy, throat achy…lol and then it just kind of put me off because I was really looking forward to doing it outside. My face was even burning afterwards! But I will try again – soon. :-)

Thanks for reading! :-)