Tag Archives: shakes

Days 8 & 9

Day 8

Felt good today. Everything went well. Deviated from my shake schedule just a little bit because I worked out at 6:30pm which is when I normally take my 5th shake. I ended up taking a Strawberry powder shake with me and mixed it up right after I got done with my Zumba class at 7:30. I took the last one at 10:15 and went to bed. I couldn’t stay up any later than that.

The Zumba class was alright. Not the most amazing and trust me, I’ve had AMAZING, but still it was probably for the best because I am just getting used to the shakes so the addition of physical activity, in my opinion, should be gradual and not exhausting. I also signed up for the 3 week adult tennis quick start program at the club. I took lessons for years and played a lot when I was a teenager but its been a while. I’m looking forward to the class and meeting new people who can hopefully potentially become my tennis buddies! :-)

Day 9

So far so good. I’m going to try to work out for a little while today. Nothing major. Probably treadmill or bike for maybe 30 minutes. Then my plan is to do a little something tomorrow morning as well. After that, I won’t be working out again until Tuesday evening when I start my tennis program. Just pacing myself and keeping it simple. This is a lifestyle change and I want it to stick.

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Day 6

Hello Day 6! :) Yesterday wound down well. I had my shakes as planned and, more importantly I worked out as planned. I took a Hip-hop dance class at the racquet club. The class was not intense but it was good. It was actually funny as well because the instructor was very dramatic – but in a fun way. He would show us choreography for about 3 minutes then make us put it all together and do it over and over and over. We almost finished a whole routine yesterday lol. But it was good. I meant to wear my Polar heart rate monitor but I forgot. I will try to remember to do that next time. I’d be interested to see how many calories I burned in that class. If I had to guess, I’d say about 320. The workout was decent and probably the best thing I could’ve done to introduce physical activity to this adventure.

Today has been just the same as most – uneventful. I had Earl Grey tea which I didn’t realize was so caffeinated. I was hyper and hot for a good hour. No mas para mi! I’m sticking to water. And maybe Crystal Light sometimes.

I’m glad I’m able to stick with this so far. I’m excited! I’ve been trying to come up with some rewards for myself for sticking to it. I might create a new tab for goals, rewards, milestones….all that stuff.

I hope everyone else out there is doing good especially my other Optifast peeps! :-)

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